Frequently Asked Questions

Where do you get the data?
We have a license agreement with the USPLN which provides us with real-time stroke data. That data is injested by the servers at AllisonHouse LLC and then provided to the BoltMeter application using a custom built protocol.

How often does it update?
The application uses a 60 second timer to request new stroke information from the backend servers. The blue or red circular ring that eminates from the center of the application indicates a refresh has taken place.

How old is the data?
The application requests information about any strokes within 30 miles of your position in the past 6 minutes.

How accurate is the data?
The USPLN, in our opinion, is the most accurate real-time lightning network in the world. Location accuracy and detection efficiency metrics for the USPLN are < 250 meters (mean) and > 95%, respectively. This covers the continental US and approximately 300 miles offshore.

Does the app support push alerting?
No. Alerting capability requires a monthly license fee from the USPLN that would need to be passed on to the consumer. Maybe in a future release.

Can I move the map?
No. Since the quadrants are based on your current location, moving the map would serve no purpose.

It missed a strike!
No lightning network is perfect. Please see the accuracy and efficiency question above. With a 95% efficiency rating and literally hundreds of thousands of lightning strokes every day, the network is bound to miss a few. That is why using a single lightning detection method as your only safety measure in severe weather is highly unwise.